Things To Do In Nha Trang

Nha Trang is one of the most wonderful cities in Vietnam that offers beautiful beaches - will give you a different shopping experience from Hanoi and Saigon. The size, type, and price of products can not vary as much as 2 heavens on earth for shopping in Vietnam (Hanoi, in the north and south of Saigon); but he still has a typical taste of the soul of Nha Trang. Follow some tips on what and where you should go when you are there.
1. Nha Trang Seafood, both fresh and dried
You can be like: Still, Seafood? But remember, the seafood, especially the squid in Nha Trang, is the best in town. With quality, medium-sized squids will find you well, both fresh and dried. The typical soft natural light of squids; delicious smell when they are cook call all the people hard to please.
Once dried squid and 'muc me rim', with long date, has expired and the price reasonable, maybe a good choice.

2. Nha Trang Dried Fruits Crepe
As is known as the favorite among many types of cakes and pancakes, dried mango crepe - Banh Xoai attracts people with its expired date sweet and long natural mango without any preservative substance. When you want to eat them, just heat them for 5 minutes (both sides) and enjoy the Vietnamese taste.

3. Bird Nest Soup
Bird brooch, with its rich nutrition and many health benefits (the prevention or treatment of many diseases), has been widely recognized in Vietnam and other countries.
You can buy the raw (cleaned) bird pin and take it home to cook or buy the water at the bird pin that can preserve and maintain the natural nutrition and taste.

4. Traditional Pan-cake with seafood
You can also find other local Vietnamese street food as a pancake, mince-pork roll with vegetables, fish-cake, noodles soup,
Having a local friend is the best together, you will know exactly how to taste and how nice it is.

Enjoy your trip with the best experience